Paris ISD Superintendent Paul Jones to participate in the TELI Superintendent Academy || Content sponsored by Quality Care ER

October 4, 2022
Paris ISD Superintendent Paul Jones

Paris ISD Superintendent Paul Jones

The Thompson Executive Leadership Institute (TELI) in Austin, Texas has announced that Paul Jones, Superintendent at Paris ISD, is the recipient of an academic scholarship to attend the 30th annual Superintendent Academy sponsored by the Thompson Executive Leadership Institute at Education Service Center (ESC) Region 13 in Austin, Texas. The TELI Superintendent Academy is a nationally known advanced leadership development program for school superintendents from Texas and surrounding states.

According to Dr. Bob Thompson, TELI’s director, membership in the Academy is competitive and by invitation only. Paul Jones was nominated by his colleagues, met a set of rigorous screening criteria, and was judged by the screening committee to have a leadership skill set that will add value to the discussions in a “think tank” of peers.

According to Dr. Thompson, the scholarship pays all academic costs including a field trip to attend leadership development sessions in Puerto Rico. The only cost to the district is the superintendent’s travel to Austin and the cost of his and the district’s board members to attend a Visioning conference in Austin. The Visioning Conference is a three-day session taking place in the spring for Academy superintendents and their boards. Once there, they will be led through joint leadership training and planning activities applicable to their individual districts. These district leaders will also meet with superintendents and board members from similar-sized districts to share ideas for increasing student achievement and developing a vision for the future of their schools.

Admission to the TELI Academy, according to Dr. Thompson, is recognition, not only of the superintendent but also the on-going efforts of the districts school board to improve the education for all students.

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