Schools and Sports
New sonography program approved by PJC regents || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
A five-year plan to create a new Diagnostic Medical Sonography program at Paris Junior College was approved by the Board of Regents during their monthly meeting Monday, Jan. 24.
Chisum High School students compete at State Beta Convention || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
The Chisum High School Beta Club had 38 students qualify for competition at the National Beta Convention to be held in Nashville, Tennessee in July.
New sonography program approved by PJC regents || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
A five-year plan to create a new Diagnostic Medical Sonography program at Paris Junior College was approved by the Board of Regents during their monthly meeting Monday, Jan. 24.
Justiss Elementary School announces science fair winners || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
Justiss Elementary School’s Science Fair winners were announced recently. The winners pictured with Principal Renee Elmore (center) from left are:
Aikin Elementary School announces science fair winners || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
Aikin Elementary science fair winners were announced recently. Principal Kimberly Donnan presented the following winners with their trophies.
Paris ISD collaborates with Mathews Auto Group to present GROWL Awards to teachers || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
Paris ISD principals named employees for the December GROWL Awards “Getting Results from Outstanding Wildcat Leaders.”
Paris Junior High School announces science fair winners || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
Paris Junior High School’s Science Fair winners were announced recently.
Everett Elementary announces second quarter honor rolls || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
Everett Elementary Principal Angela Compton has announced the names of the outstanding students on her campus who have achieved the rank of A and AB honor roll for the second quarter of 2021-2022.
Prairiland students compete at the Annual Como-Pickton Welding and Floral Design contests || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
Prairiland Students competed at the Annual Como-Pickton Welding and Floral Design Contests and were recognized for awards from both contests.
PJC announces fall President’s and Dean’s Lists || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
Paris Junior College is pleased to announce that 157 students were named to the President’s and Dean’s lists for academic achievement during the Fall 2021 semester.