Schools and Sports
PJC joins in for East Texas Giving Day || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
On April 26, 2022, Paris Junior College will join over 195 nonprofit organizations throughout north and east Texas as part of East Texas Giving Day.
Prairiland FFA holds 50th Annual Prairiland FFA Livestock Show and Fundraiser || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
The 50th Annual Prairiland FFA Livestock Show and Fundraiser proved to be a success once again this year.
Paris ISD collaborates with Mathews Auto Group to present GROWL Awards to teachers || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
Paris ISD principals named winners for the March GROWL Awards “Getting Results from Outstanding Wildcat Leaders.”
North Lamar High School UIL advances students to regional || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
The North Lamar High School UIL team has qualified a number of students to the regional UIL meet at Texas A&M Commerce after capturing first-place teams in both Literary Criticism and Speech and Debate.
North Lamar ISD recognizes Employees of the Month || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
North Lamar ISD and Mathew’s Auto Group’s Pay It Forward program recognized two North Lamar employees as their February Employees of the Month.
Paris High School Golf Teams qualify for Regionals || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
The Paris High Golf Teams completed the second round of District yesterday at Paris G&CC.
Paris ISD students to participate in the Texas Future Problem Solving program’s State Bowl || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
A total of seventy-six (76) Paris Independent School District students will participate in the Texas Future Problem Solving program’s State Bowl in Waco on April 8-10.
Prairiland FFA students advance to state in Forage, Land, and Homesite || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
Prairiland FFA students competed in the Area Career Development Events (CDE) contests on Thursday, March 31 at NTCC.
Guest artist holds pop-up exhibit, reception at PJC today, April 5 || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
Guest artist Katie Johnson will hold a one-day pop-up exhibit and reception at Paris Junior College on Tuesday, April 5.
NLISD Destination Imagination team advances to global round || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
The Bailey Intermediate School’s Destination Imagination team has become the first team in the school’s history to advance to the global round of the Destination Imagination competition.