Schools and Sports
PISD receives donation from First Federal Community Bank
Superintendent Althea Dixon accepted a check in the amount of $4,285.10 from First Federal Community Bank.
North Lamar Automotive Team competes at Texas Motor Speedway
This past weekend at Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth Texas, the NL auto team had a great performance at a two-day event.
Jaxon Spangler Commits to Carl Albert State College for Baseball
Jaxon Spangler, has officially signed with Carl Albert State College to pursue his collegiate baseball career.
PJC students registering early may win free laptop
Paris Junior College is giving away 50 free laptops to eligible students, whether full- or part-time.
Crockett Intermediate Student Council participate in Socktober
The Crockett Intermediate School Student Council members are setting an exemplary standard by participating in Socktober, a month-long community sock drive.
North Lamar High School Welcomes 77 New Members at Beta Club Induction Ceremony
North Lamar High School celebrated a significant milestone on November 5 with the induction of 77 new members into the prestigious Beta Club.
North Lamar FFA LDE Teams Shine at Paris District Contest
North Lamar FFA proudly announces the outstanding performance of its LDE teams at the Paris District contest held on Monday.
Paris ISD “Stuffed the Bus” for Downtown Food Pantry
Paris Independent School District recently celebrated its success in the seventh annual “Stuff the Bus” stuffing drive.
Franklin signs with Southern Methodist University
Jasmine Franklin will continue her track career at the collegiate level after signing her letter of intent with Southern Methodist University.
Holt signs with Central Arkansas
Shamyia Holt is a talented athlete who has made a name for herself in track and field. She recently signed her letter of intent to continue her athletic career at the University of Central Arkansas.