Local News

1-in-4 traffic deaths caused by drunk drivers

Analicia Zarate of Edinburg was four years old when she and her mom were headed home from church on a Sunday night. A drunk driver ran a stop sign and hit their car, killing Analicia’s mom instantly.

City seeks citizens’ opinions with survey

The City of Paris, Paris Economic Development Corporation, and Lamar County Chamber of  Commerce have partnered together with North Star Place Branding and Marketing to perform a Branding and Identity Development Project for the goal of creating a unified marketing strategy for all three of our respective entities.

Remembering Paris Police Officer Chris Widner on June 21

Beyond the Call of Duty – End of Watch – Ride to Remember 2022 Mobile Memorial will be in Paris next Tuesday, June 21st, to honor Detective Chris Widner, who died in the line of duty last August.