
How to View Your Investments in 2023

Investors came off a difficult year in 2022 – stocks fell into a bear market (defined as a decline of 20%+ from peak highs) and the bond market lost significant ground, as well.

Tesla plans Texas factory expansion

Tesla plans to expand its electric vehicle factory in Austin this year and has registered to do so with the state of Texas.

Giving back strategically during the holidays || Thomas Callaway

As the holidays approach, so, too, do the appeals for charitable gifts. If you’re like many people, your mailbox and inbox are already filled with messages from nonprofits asking for your financial support before the end of the year.

Passing down financial values || Thomas Callaway

According to a recent study from Ameriprise Financial, eight in 10 people say passing on their financial values to the next generation of their family is important to them.