John Edward Garner || Obituary
John Edward Garner, 98, of Arthur City entered heaven’s gates on February 23, 2025.
A funeral celebrating his life will be held at 2:00 p.m. Saturday, March 1, at Chicota Baptist Church with grandson, David Ramer, officiating. Burial will follow at Forest Chapel cemetery and will include military honors in recognition of his service in the U.S. Navy.
Visitation will be held before the ceremony at 1:00.
A loving and devoted husband, son, father, and Pepaw, John Garner demonstrated his faith in Jesus through unending optimism and selfless service to those he loved.
His faithfulness to his late wife, Minnie Irene Garner, through her most difficult days, leaves a resounding legacy of loving faithfulness and personal sacrifice that has profoundly impacted those he leaves behind.
John is survived by his daughter Barbara Slagle and her husband Don, son Charles Garner and his wife Shirley, and daughter Lorene Ramer and her husband Danny. He is also survived by grandchildren Darron Johnson, Tammy Dalton, Charles Garner, Jr., Chad Garner, Tiry Williams Jr., David Ramer, Charity Clayton, Elisabeth Ramirez, Jonathan Ramer and Melody Ricks. He had 26 great-grandchildren and 9 great-great grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Darron Johnson, Charles Garner Jr., Tiry Williams Jr., Chad Garner, Jonathan Ramer and Justin Johnson. John Garner leaves a profound legacy for his family. His fun-loving spirit will be remembered and cherished. His example of resilience and sacrificial love and devotion will be heralded and emulated for generations to come.
Online condolences may be sent to the Garner family by visiting