North Lamar ISD Students Immerse in Global Learning at Annual World Culture Fair

October 3, 2024

Students in Mr. Hodgkiss’ World History class at North Lamar High School took part in the annual World Culture Fair on October 2, 2024, creating an engaging and educational event that transported attendees around the globe.

Sophomores Aidan Adamson, Kai Furtch, and Madi Soliz dressed up in traditional Brazilian clothing as they shared information about their country. 

The World Culture Fair is a highly anticipated event each year, where students have the opportunity to showcase their knowledge and creativity. This year, students either worked individually or in groups to select a country, conduct in-depth research, and present their findings to peers, staff, and community members. The presentations went beyond the usual reports and incorporated an immersive experience, including traditional clothing, food, music, and detailed displays that allowed the audience to engage with the culture they were exploring.

Attendees were able to explore countries from all over the world, stopping by each booth to experience the rich diversity of global cultures. From vibrant attire to delicious homemade dishes and interactive music performances, the event offered a hands-on learning experience like no other.

North Lamar ISD is proud of the hard work and dedication that students put into their presentations, and the World Culture Fair continues to be a favorite event that fosters both curiosity and appreciation for the global community.

Photo: Sophomores Aidan Adamson, Kai Furtch, and Madi Soliz dressed up in traditional Brazilian clothing as they shared information about their country.

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