Paris High School student awarded $25,000 Horatio Alger National Scholarship

September 23, 2024

Photograph credit: PHS Photography student Mali Brockman

The Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished
Americans, Inc. recently announced that Paris
High School senior Isaiah Hampton is among
the 105 high school seniors who are the
recipients of its esteemed 2025 Horatio Alger
National Scholarship. As a National Scholar,
Hampton will receive a $25,000 college
scholarship as well as access to a variety of
association-provided resources, including
counseling and referral services, career
exploration opportunities, and alumni
connections. Each month Hampton is required
to attend virtual meetings and complete
To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants
must meet certain criteria such as: demonstrate
critical financial need, be involved in co-curricular and community service
activities, display integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity, and maintain
a minimum grade point average of 2.0.
“Adversity has been prevalent throughout my life. There have been obstacles I have
had to overcome, but it has shaped who I am, who I was, and who I will live up to
be,” stated Hampton. “This belief, that good things amount from good work has
been instilled into me by my family. Furthermore, I am forever grateful for the
many people who have helped me throughout this journey.”
The National Scholarship is awarded to eligible students in all fifty states and the
District of Columbia. As a National Scholar, Hampton will receive an all-expenses
paid trip to Washington, D.C., during the spring to participate in the National
Scholars Conference.

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