PJC holding June Basketball Camps and Kids College in July

June 10, 2024
Paris Junior College, PJC, Paris Junior, College, Pam Anglin

Now that summer has official started, parents are looking for things to keep their children busy and engaged. Paris Junior College has three upcoming events that might fit the bill.

Men’s Basketball holding four-day camp
Coming up next week is the PJC Men’s Basketball Dragons All-American Boys Basketball Camp starting Monday, June 10 and running through Thursday, June 13, 2024. Registration will be open at 8:00 a.m. Monday morning, and the camp runs daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
“This is for boys in first through ninth grades,” said PJC Men’s Basketball Coach Bill Foy “We promise a week full of basketball and fun.”
Each camper will receive a camp t-Shirt and camp basketball, lunch will be provided in the Paris Junior College Cafeteria, and concessions will be available.
The camp’s daily focus will be on skill development, stations and drills, and fun contests and games. Awards will be given as well. Camp instructors will include PJC coaching staff and high school coaches.
The camp fee is $180 per camper, with group and employee discounts available. For more information, contact the PJC Basketball Office at 903-782-0395 or the PJC Athletic Office at 903-782-0218. The flyer and registration form may be downloaded at https://www.parisjc.edu/downloads/sports/m-bball-camp.pdf.
Women’s Basketball offering two camps June 17-20
PJC Women’s Basketball is hosting a Day Camp, June 17-19, and an Elite Camp on June 20, in the Hunt Center at the Paris campus.
“We’re really excited to host another round of camps this summer,” said PJC Women’s Basketball Coach Brittany Christian. “The community has supported our day camp very well over the past few years and we enjoy spending time working with the young ladies that attend.”
The Day Camp will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days and is for ages six to 16. The camp costs $125 and those wishing to sign up should contact Christian at bchristian@parisjc.edu.
“The addition of the elite camp this year gives our high school participants a chance to experience a more intensive experience that mimics a typical day working out at the collegiate level. We want to continue developing and educating our local athletes while also building relationships with them and watching their growth.”
The Elite Camp is for grades ninth through twelfth, costs $60, and will be held from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more information or to register, contact Women’s Assistant Basketball Coach Tee Robinson at trobinson@parisjc.edu.
PJC Kids College will be July 8-11
The every-popular Kids College offered by the Paris Junior College Continuing Education Department returns July 8-11, 2024.
Each course is offered for two age groups: kindergarten through second grade and third through fifth grades. Courses offered include:
Cooks ‘N Books (favorite story books spur snack creations); Cooking Made Easy! (make delicious meals and snacks); Creating with Ceramics (mix and mold, sand, and decorate clay); First Aid: What’s the BIG Deal? (learn first aid and be a Safety Hero); Games! (master old and new games, plus brainstorming and team building); Give Me a “C” Give Me a “HEER” (gain new moves with the PJC cheer squad); Hoops! (basketball history, rules and basics); Jukes! (football history, rules and basics); Fun with Spanish (sing songs, sample Latin cuisine, and make crafts to learn the language); Martial Arts (learn basic self-defense, exercise, and bully prevention skills to build self-confidence); Jewelry Creations (craft keychains, necklaces, amulets and beading); Junk Drawer Robotics (build robots from every-day objects and learn pneumatics and 3-D space); Paper Art ‘N Books (learn new skills to illustrate stories and poems); Reporting: Live from the Scene (get the five “W’s” to cover news); Secret Agent (compete against fellow agents to learn special agent skills, breaking codes and more); CSI: Paris! (crime scene investigations and process clues); Trivia (learn new facts and test problem solving skills); World Wildlife Adventure! (learn about cool animals, make a photo book and artwork, and experience real, live animals); “Yes You CANvas!” (learn to paint a masterpiece); and You CAN Sew (learn basic sewing techniques).
Each day, Parent Drop Off and Morning Warm-up is from 8:00 a.m. to 8:20 a.m.; then there are three courses until lunch from 12:00 p.m. to 12:50 p.m. (campers should bring a sack lunch each day); then two courses and a group activity until the chill out and parent pick-up time of 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Family and early registration discounts are available. To find the Kids College information and registration form, go to www.parisjc.edu/ce, select courses, and scroll down to the Kids College link. Details and the registration form link are on that page.

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