High levels of food insecurity in our area || Content sponsored by Power Jack Foundation Repair

May 17, 2024

Feeding America

According to a newly released report from Feeding America, Texas now has the highest food insecurity rate in the nation, having recently surpassed California. And North Texas ranks the fourth highest of every region in the United States.

“It’s really baffling and very sad,” said Allan Hubbard, executive director of the Downtown Food Pantry. “To think that Texas boasts such a vibrant economy with booming growth all over but has so many people needing food.”

Lamar County has a food insecurity rate of 23%, Hubbard said. “And to be one of the counties in the fourth highest region in the whole country ought to raise some eyebrows.”

Feeding America is the entity responsible for the charity pipeline of food banks throughout the nation. A food bank operates in every region of the U.S. The Downtown Food Pantry is a partner agency of the North Texas Food Bank in Plano.

“We’ve certainly seen an uptick in need due to the abysmal nature of our economy,” Hubbard said, noting they currently provide free groceries to 800 families each week.  “We’re hoping people will say they want to help us do something about this county having so many hungry people,” said Hubbard. “It’s one thing to identify a problem. It’s another to roll up your sleeves and get involved or put your money where your mouth is.”

Every $10 donation provides free groceries and 30 meals for those in need. There are also volunteer opportunities, Hubbard said. “Best of all, we’re asking people to pray. Pray for the more than 200 volunteers who help us every month. Pray for the board’s direction and the staff’s hard work. And mostly pray for the people who get food from us,” Hubbard said.

Find out more at downtownfoodpantry.org or on Facebook.


Power Jack Foundation Repair


  1. AB Normal on May 20, 2024 at 10:28 pm

    well, thats par for the course….build a pickleball court,that few people will use instead of concentrating on police and sheriff departments and making sure the people of Lamar County are safe and fed…really makes sense. NOT

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