Paris Police Officers rpesent “Life Saving Awards” At Annual Christmas Party
Co-LS Award (Co-Recipients of Life Save Award) Pictured from Left to Right: Captain Doug Thompson, Sergeant Shane Stone, Officer Conor Darnell, Officer Jeremy Helms, Officer Luiz Paxton, and Chief Richard Salter Jr.
Paris Police Officers; Sergeant Shane Stone, Officer Conor Darnell, Officer Jeremy Helms and Officer Luiz Paxton, were recognized at the Department’s 2023 Annual Awards Ceremony and Christmas Dinner on Dec. 14, 2023, with “Life Save Awards”. The officers went above and beyond the call of duty by taking action to save the life of a Paris Man in September of 2023. Officer Darnell during the process of booking a man arrested on a felony warrant noticed that the man was becoming physically and mentally confused. As the booking process progressed, the man fell unconscious. Officer Darnell and Officer Helms immediately caught the subject and helped him to the floor where they began assessing and monitoring the man’s pulse and breathing. Paris EMS was notified and requested to respond to the Police Department. As the situation progressed and vital signs worsened, it was recognized and treated as a medical emergency.
Officers Darnell and Paxton, both trained medical first responders treated the man as Officer Helms and Sgt. Stone obtained NARCAN (a drug that reverses an opioid overdose). The physical symptoms of the man were consistent with that of an opioid overdose. Two doses of NARCAN were administered before the arrival of Paris EMS and the subject quickly responded and began to regain consciousness. Paris EMS arrived on the scene and transported the subject to Paris Regional Health for further assessment.
Patrol Officer Jeffrey Rico was the recipient of a “Life Save Award” for being the sole initial officer at the scene of a shooting. Officer Rico, who has prior military combat medical experience administered critical life-saving first aid to the shooting victim while also controlling a frantic crowd, and ensuring that any potential witnesses remained on the scene. Unfortunately, the victim eventually succumbed to his injuries, but Officer Rico’s efforts kept the victim alive long enough for his organs to be harvested and used to save the lives of several others. Officer Rico’s Life Saving Award also included a second incident where he responded to a man who had |
climbed out on a ledge of an overpass bridge, intending to jump into oncoming traffic below. Officer Rico without hesitation or backup officers, took the individual initiative to climb out on the ledge with the man talking to him in a comforting and non-threatening manner and convincing the man to come off of the bridge to safety. |
Police Chief Richard Salter and Patrol Captain Doug Thompson were honored to recognize these Officers through the presentation of “Life Saving Awards” during the Police Department’s Annual Christmas Party and Award Ceremony held at the Elks Lodge on December 14, 2023.
Patrol Officer Dustin Calhoun received the “Meritorious Service Award” for his effort above and beyond the call of duty in the investigation of a vehicle-pedestrian fatality accident that occurred in September of 2023. Despite the lack of physical evidence, Officer Calhoun exercised individual initiative using “solid investigative techniques and his police instincts”. Officer Calhoun systematically narrowed the scope of potential suspects until he noticed the suspect vehicle he had developed while on patrol. His efforts led to the identification of the hit-and-run driver and the discovery of the suspect’s vehicle involved in the hit-and-run accident.
Other employees were recognized and received awards for the following categories:
- Award Recipients are as follows.
- Police Officer of the Year: Officer Jeffrey Rico
- Rookie of the Year: Officer Kesus Hickson
- Dispatcher(s) of the Year: Courtni McEntyre and Julia Harrison
- Animal Control Employee of the Year: Guy Ausburn
- Civilian Employee of the Year: Kortni Jones
- Top Gun Award: Officer Luiz Paxton (Firearms Proficiency Award)
The following employees received the Community Service Award for their consistent involvement and support of the department’s Community Outreach Efforts throughout 2023. Captain Terry Bull, Captain Doug Thompson, Captain Doug Murphy, Detective Brenton Middleton, Detective Cody Logsden, PIO- Records Clerk Alice Webb, Records Clerk Jennifer Maxwell, Dispatcher Erin Jusseaume, Evidence Tech Michelle Melton and Community Outreach Coordinator Kimmie Snowton.
“It was an honor and privilege for the Command Staff to recognize those police department employees whose individual effort and overall performance have been consistently outstanding throughout the year”.
Officer Rico LS Award (Officer Rico Life Save Award) Pictured from Left to Right: Captain Doug Thompson, Officer Jeffrey Rico, and Chief Richard Salter Jr.
Officer Calhoun (Meritorious Award) Pictured from Left to Right: Captain Doug Thompson, Officer Dustin Calhoun, and Chief Richard Salter Jr.