Paris HS choir students earn medals at state solo & ensemble contest

May 31, 2023

Paris High School

Pictured left to right: Front row: choir director Grace Tucker, Lucy Walter, Branaya Wallace, Savannah Pickering, Berenice Ramirez, Caitlyn Hudiburg, Maricela Hignight, and choir director Lindsay McCarter Back row: Isaiah Hampton, TK McGee, Reid England, Johnny Young, and Isaiah Hampton

Ten Paris High choir students competed in the UIL State Choir Solo & Ensemble Contest in Pflugerville on Monday, May 29, 2023, and five students earned either a “superior” or an “excellent” rating.   The students continued their work on their original piece from Regionals.

Four students earned an “excellent” rating with a silver medal on their solo: Branaya Wallace, Isaiah Hampton, Caitlyn Hudiburg, and Lucy Walter.  One student, Johnathan Young, earned a “superior” rating with a gold medal on his solo.  Choir Directors Grace Tucker and Lindsay McCarter assisted in preparing the students for the contest.  Lindsay McCarter expressed, “We are so proud of all of them! Most importantly, every one of these kids behaved so well and had a blast together, making memories and building bonds to last a lifetime. We are so excited about the things our choir kiddos have accomplished this year and look forward to new adventures next year.”

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