Paris ISD Announces Althea Dixon as Superintendent

May 30, 2023

Althea Dixon

 At the May board meeting, the Paris Independent School District Board of Trustees unanimously approved Althea Dixon as the new Superintendent of Paris ISD.  

Dixon has 32 years of experience in education, which include Teacher, Coach, Counselor, Assistant Principal, Principal, and Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, and Accountability. Paris ISD Board of Trustees President George Fisher stated, “We are proud to have someone of Mrs. Dixon’s caliber from our own district to serve as our leader. She has served our district for 27 years, from entry-level to her current role.  She has done all of her certifications in continued education while serving our district. Mrs. Dixon went above and beyond during the pandemic to keep our students on track and give staff what they needed to succeed and persevere through extremely tough times. She has constantly encouraged staff members that have grown weary with encouraging words and ways to make their education journey successful. The board and I feel confident that Mrs. Dixon will continue to build on the strong foundation that is Paris ISD.”                                                                                     

Dixon has a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education degree from Oklahoma State University, a Master of Education in School Administration from Southeastern Oklahoma State University, a Counselor Certification and her Superintendent Certification from Texas A & M – Commerce.

“I am honored to be chosen as the Superintendent of Paris ISD,” stated Althea Dixon. “I feel blessed to be able to step into a role that expects excellence.  I will work very hard to continue to build on the foundation that has been set before me, working closely with our Paris ISD board to make the very best decisions for our students, staff, and community.  I do not take the responsibility of fostering academic excellence and allowing a pathway for all students to reach their potential lightly.  I am excited about the future of Paris ISD and the challenge to provide continued excellence to our district.”

Mrs.  Dixon has been married to her husband, Kevin Dixon, a technology specialist for Paris ISD, since 1996.  They have two children: Paige and Kobe. She will begin her duties as the new Superintendent for Paris ISD on July 1, 2023.


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