Local man arrested for aggravated robbery || Stole women’s bag while swinging a knife

May 18, 2023
Aggravated Robbery

On Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 8:36 p.m. a female victim (with red marks on her arm) advised Paris Police officers that while in the 500 block of East Houston Street, a subject made threats towards her while displaying and swinging a knife.
“The subject forcefully pulled a bag off of her shoulder, took the victim’s bag and left in a vehicle believed headed to the 800 block of East Price,” said Alice Webb of the PPD.
“An assisting Officer located 37-year-old Christopher Micheal Butterick of Paris on East Price; with a knife sheath on his belt but no knife. Also found was a credit/debit card belonging to the victim in the yard.  Butterick was arrested for Aggravated Robbery,” said Price.

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