Paris High School student selected as a Delegate to American Legion Texas Boys State 2023

May 2, 2023


Paris High School junior Curt Fendley has been selected to represent the Paris American Legion at the 84th Annual Texas Boys State. Fendley will join others from across the state to participate in the week-long leadership and citizenship program sponsored by the American Legion. Throughout the week, students will participate in activities designed to build their knowledge and understanding of local, county, and state government.

Begun in 1935, Boys State is a unique program that educates future leaders about government, civics, and patriotism in a “learn by doing” environment. Each delegate will have just finished their junior year of high school and was hand-picked by teachers, counselors, and local American Legion posts throughout Texas to attend the annual Texas Boys State conference in Austin, held Sunday, June 11th – Friday, June 16th.


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