Texas lawmaker proposes to end daylight saving time

March 13, 2023
Daylight Saving Time

As Texans moved their clocks one hour ahead this weekend, a Texas lawmaker is pushing for the fate of daylight saving time to be left to voters.
Rep. Glenn Rogers of District 60, an area in north Texas near Fort Worth, filed Joint House Resolution 100 in the state legislature calling for a statewide referendum allowing voters to decide on a preference for observing standard time year-round or observing daylight saving time year-round.

If the bill passes, Texans would vote for either option in the general election in November.

The United States has observed daylight saving time since 1918, but it was repealed in 1919 as a wartime measure. In 1942 during World War II, daylight saving time was reinstated, but it wasn’t until 1966 that Congress passed the Uniform Time Act to make bi-annual clock-changing the norm.

Many Americans have long disliked and protested the changing of clocks each year.  If the bill passes, clocks would change for the final time this March — when daylight saving time begins — and not change again in November, or ever. But doing so would mean one less hour of daylight in the morning from November through February.


  1. ab on March 15, 2023 at 3:28 pm

    go back to standard time…..if it aint broke….Don’t fix it……just another thing that the Feds have screwed up.

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