North Lamar ISD Athletic Trainer Cole Barker was selected as Texoma’s Golden Apple Award recipient

January 12, 2023


Cole Barker received a $750 check during a presentation Wednesday at the North Lamar Athletic Facility. Kelli McDonald from Paris Chevrolet was there to present the award.

Texoma Golden Apple Award is awarded to a school employee who has made a positive impact on a student’s life.

“Coach Barker is a hidden hero as most athletic trainers are. He stays behind the scenes taking care of injured athletes and getting them back on the playing field. He is dedicated to his profession and shows great concern for each athlete.” McDonald said. “Cole has also taken over the FCA role at North Lamar High School and helped grow the membership as well as find new opportunities to get involved in the community. In addition, he has helped get FCA started at Stone Middle School once again.”

“Cole is involved in many organizations such as Student Health Advisory Committee, PHED Committee and SWATA, a young professional community for students wanting to become athletic trainers. He also works with the local orthopedic clinic and collaborates with doctors and patients on the best treatment to provide for sports injuries.”

Cole has a servant’s heart and is always available to athletes or staff members when his help is needed, McDonald also said.

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