Paris SBDC holding Disaster Readiness & Recovery meetings Thursday || Content sponsored by Quality Care ER
File/ eExtra News
Recent storms in the region have shown that even with the best preparedness planning, a disaster can affect you. The Paris Small Business Development Center is offering two meetings on Thursday, Dec. 8 for any size non-farm businesses, private nonprofit organizations, homeowners, and renters.
The Paris SBDC will be joined by the Small Business Administration and the Red Cross to address resources for those affected by the Nov. 4 tornadoes. Fact sheets and support from local agencies will be available.
One meeting will be online at noon and the other will be in person from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Bobby Walters Workforce Training Center, Room 1202 on the north side of Clarksville Street across from the main campus.
Presenters will include SBA Public Information Officer Barbara Nitis; Misty Batts, Paris Disaster Program Manager, American Red Cross Disaster Services; and Quincy Blount, Lamar County Emergency Management Coordinator.
To join the noon webinar on Zoom, go to and enter Meeting ID: 890 1071 7483 and Passcode: 220722.
The SBA Disaster Loan Outreach Center at the Red Cross Building, 2673 N. Main Street, Paris, is currently open Mondays – Fridays, 10 am – 7 pm.
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