DISD FCCLA members read to Head Start and Pre-K students || Content sponsored by Quality Care ER
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Detroit High School FCCLA members, Natalie Snodgrass, Kaidance Parks, and Madison Allensworth, visited the Head Start and Pre-K students on November 9th, 2022, to read them a variety of age appropriate books. They put a twist on typical reading by using props and dressing up as characters from the books. They chose this project because their goal was to teach the students the importance of reading, exercise moral values, and demonstrate utilizing their imagination.
DISD was very proud of the outcome because many of the young students expressed their excitement and were continuously intrigued throughout the storytelling. The teachers even commented on how they will utilize these book kits in their classroom libraries in the future in order to support reading with manipulatives. This will be a project that the Detroit FCCLA chapter will continue throughout the years and expand it to further classrooms.
Content sponsored by Quality Care ER. Click here for more information: https://bit.ly/3mDYvcX