National Turkey Foundation claims there’s no need to panic over turkey shortages this Thanksgiving

October 25, 2022

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Many people continue to wonder whether getting a turkey will be an issue this year because bird flu has impacted millions of turkeys across the country. 

Reports from the U.S Department of Agriculture show that 5.4 million turkeys have been depopulated this year from exposure to bird flu. 

Luckily, the National Turkey Federation claims there are plenty of turkeys to go around for the Thanksgiving holiday. 

Beth Breeding, a spokesperson for the National Turkey Foundation, stated, “We do not expect any shortage of turkey products this year. If you’re going to the grocery store and you’re looking for your traditional frozen turkey you’re going to be able to find it.”

Breeding also stated, “This has been a really challenging year for turkey farmers even those in Iowa too who have experienced this avian influenza but you know we have a turkey industry that is operating throughout the country”.

Preparations have been going on for months according to the National Turkey Federation, and frozen turkeys started hitting freezers over the summer.

This Thanksgiving, there is no need to fret, as there should be enough Turkey for all families to enjoy. 

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