Paris Police Department warns of leaving weapons in unattended vehicles
Photo: Paris Police Department via Facebook
The Paris Police Department has reported that during the three month period of July, August and September of 2022, sixteen (16) handguns and three (3) rifles were stolen out of motor vehicles in Paris. These burglaries occur primarily overnight from unlocked vehicles parked at residences. Out of the nineteen (19) firearms stolen from vehicles during this time period, all but one were taken from UNLOCKED vehicles. Burglary of Motor Vehicles is a serious crime, made even more serious by the theft of firearms- which are often used to commit more serious crimes. The Paris Police Department and the Motor Vehicles Crimes Task Force encourage citizens to always lock their vehicles, even during quick stops where you leave your vehicle unattended and out of your sight. Every firearm stolen from a motor vehicle is a gun in the hand of a criminal, creating a greater risk to the citizens of our community and the police officers who increasingly come into contact with the now armed offender. Don’t let your gun be used to rob, assault, hurt or kill another person. Responsible gun owners do not to leave firearms in vehicles. Equally important is to remove all purses, bags, backpacks, computers, cellphones and other valuables from your vehicle. Thieves typically look around inside your vehicle passenger compartment before taking the risk to enter and burglarize it. If your vehicle is locked and there is nothing potentially valuable or tempting for a thief to see inside your vehicle, you will much less likely to become a victim of a motor vehicle burglary. Remember: Hide or remove your valuables, lock your vehicle, and do not leave firearms in an unattended vehicle.