Sandra Staples Christian of Paris, passed away in her home, on August 25, 2022. She was 88 years old.
Sandra was known to most everyone as “MiMi.” She waved to neighbors as she picked up the fallen Magnolia leaves (like she did every morning,) from the 100-year-old family tree her Father planted in her yard. She went inside, took a shower, and the Family believes, she worked quietly with Jesus, and she “Surprised her youngest daughter Leslie, for her 68th Birthday!” This was the day MiMi moved to Heaven.
A ‘Celebration of Life’ Service will be held on Sunday, October 9th, 2022, at 2:pm in The First United Methodist Church Sanctuary, Rev. Bill Coleman, officiating, and working with Arvin Starrett and Fry-Gibbs Funeral Home. There will be no Interment.
Sandra Sue Staples was born in Paris, Texas @ McQuiston Hospital on July 17th, 1934 to Robert (Bob) Bruce Staples, Sr. and Esther Shannon-Staples. She married Jerry Reece Spruell, from Talco; they met at Paris Junior College in 1951. Sandra had been The Drum Major for the PHS Blue Blazes Band; graduated PHS, and began as The Drum Major for the PJC Dragon Band. Jerry Reese Spruell, son of Mareese Johnson Spruell and LeeOla Jennings- Spruell (both deceased) played on The PJC Dragon Football Team, after returning home from Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and his tour with the Navy.The Couple were married at First Methodist Church of Paris in February, 1953. Their family grew with the birth of a daughter, Jerian Gayle Spruell-Merritt, born in June of 1954. In August 1957, Leslie Rene Spruell-Morton-Schober was born to the family!
Jerry was killed in a blizzard in December of 1967. Sandra’s Mother, Esther Shannon-Staples preceded her in death in 1968. She never wavered from being a strong, self-sufficient, single, working mother and later, taking care of her elderly father until he passed away in 1996.
Sandra is survived by her eldest daughter, Jerian Spruell-Merritt and her Husband, Rick Merritt, RPh. They have 4 adult kids; Their Eldest is Jennifer Self-Duke of Celina, Texas, and her two Sons, USMC Will Duke (21), and USMC Private Taylor Smith (19)-(who is currently in USMC-Boot Camp!) Jerian’s Son, Heath Parsons of New Braunfels, and his two sons, Austin Heath (22),and Ayden Heath (20) are both from Lubbock, Texas. Jerra Merritt-Henderson, and her husband, Danny Michael Henderson, who live in Springtown, Texas with their children, Liam Jerrick (10), daughters Aislin Rae (7) and Isla Reign, (1year), and their (two ‘Angel Sons’, Ian Michael (9) and Owen Heath (5) who the Family Believes “were together at “The Gate” to meet both “Aunt Les”, and “MiMi” when they arrived in Heaven.)
J & Ricks ’s youngest daughter, Kira Rene Merritt is from Providence Village, Texas.
Sandra’s younger daughter, Leslie Rene Spruell Morton-Schober, preceded her in Death in 2015. Leslie would have turned 65, on the day Sandra passed away, and is survived by Leslie’s husband, US Army Colonel, Andrew (Andy) Schober of Woodbridge, VA. and her Son, Robert Matthew (Matt) Morton, of Florida.Sandra raised her two daughters with love and devotion in The First United Methodist Church of Paris, Texas. Both were like their Mom, by being Christened as babies, growing up in Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, (later becoming BS Teachers,) played in the Bell Choir, sang in the Church Choir, and in Youth Groups. (Jerian and her Husband Rick, also served the Student Ministry as Advisors & Chaperones from 1985-1997. ) Sandra’s Family is very proud of their History with FUMC and their Faith in Jesus.
Aside from all of the children Sandra dōted on through Leslie’s “Paris Junior Cotillion Program” (where she assisted her for 32 years.) Sandra is also survived by her cousins Beth Brooks-Graham, and the late Betty Holmes-Hutchison, and her daughter, Camille Ann Holmes-Hall, of Round Rock, Texas. Sandra had an elder brother, Robert (Bobby) Bruce Staples, Jr. and His wife Norma Lawrence-Staples, both preceded her in death. Their 3 children, Brenda Staples-Weber, Robert Bruce Staples III, and Larry Staples (and their families) live in North East Texas.
Sandra had a beautiful area of Collections Cats, ‘Willow Tree’ Figurines, Angels, and especially her Frogs! She said they reaffirmed her Mantra ~F.R.O.G.~ ‘Fully Relying On God!’
She was a former Sunday School teacher, and co-sponsor of the “United Methodist Youth Fellowship”; a former member of the “Commission on Education”; a member of the “Women’s Society of Christian Service,” and served as a member of the “Commission on Missions.”
She loved her “United Methodist Women” her Sunday School Class,
The “Business and Professional Women” and the “Beta Sigma Phi Sororities”, where she spent her life devoted to Service to these Organizations!
Sandra Graduated Paris High School in 1951, attended Paris Jr. College. She met and married Jerry Reece Spruell. She was also the Drum Major for The PJC Band, and Jerry played football, after he returned from Hawaii, and finished his tour in the US Navy. They both Graduated, in 1953, married @ FIRST (United*) METHODIST CHURCH, and moved to south Texas where Jerry worked in the oil fields as a redneck, and Sandra was a homemaker, raising their daughters, Jerian and Leslie.
Jerry was 32nd Degree Master Mason. And while Sandra’s Father and Grandfather were also Masons, the women did not have “The Order of The Eastern Star” Program available to them~at the time. Both Jerian, and PPP Leslie were introduced to “The Order of The Rainbow,” (daughters of Masons) and Jerian Served as a “Worthy Advisor” of the Paris Lodge. Leslie followed in her footsteps, serving as a “Worthy Advisor” herself. Jerian has continued studies in “The Order of The Eastern Star” as have all 3 of her daughters. Rick and Danny are also both Masons.
Sandra, working full-time as “The Women’s Editor of The Paris News,” where she was Nationally Known for her Professional Writings on Weddings and other pieces on Paris’ Society Pages, and News for Women, was where Sandra received many accolades as her daughters grew up.
She was a Guest Speaker for numerous service clubs for men, women, and students. She also spent a great deal of time presiding over and leading the women of Paris and surrounding cities as either Founder, Preceptor, President, or Head of The Board of Directors in her many Community and Civil Service Clubs, Chapters, and Organizations such as Business & Professional Women’s Club, Lamar County Historical Society, BSP-Xi Beta Omicron, BSP-ETA Delta, BSP-Zeta Mu Chapters, the Heritage Garden Club, Crepe Myrtle for Paris, Paris Council of Garden Clubs, Texas Garden Club, inc., Texas Press Women, East Paris Aiken Elementary and Crockett Jr. High School Volunteer Clubs, a Girl Scout Troop Leader, Paris and Lamar County Jaycee-Ettes. and PHS ALUMS. Sandra was involved with the United Fund, March of Dimes, Cancer Crusade, Heart Fund, Easter Seal Foundation, ‘Dolls for Darlings’, Lamar County Chapter of Commerce ‘Operation Sparkle’ Planning Committee, Texas Salvation Army, Lamar County 4-H Club, and Paris and Lamar County Young Women’s Christian Association.
W.W. Staples was a Founding Family of Paris, in Lamar County. They owned and operated STAPLES JEWELERS from ‘The Square’ in 1906.
Sandra’s Father ‘Bob’ Staples Sr., was one of three Paris High School boys who had the Honor of Naming “The Team” that they played football for underneath The Friday Night Lights! This Year, 2022, is The 100th Football Season that the boys of Paris High School Proudly take to the field as the Team Mr. Bob Staples Sr. called “The Fighting Wildcats!” One of those three boys, was also Orby Brooks, who later married Bob’s little sister, Katherine. Clyde Antoine married his sister Ruth, and Mary was wed to Iris Burroughs.
Together they continued W.W.’s dreams of Staples Jewelers. The Store was a 4-Generation Business, and they were Proud and Honored to have once stood at 3 Clarksville Street just off of The Paris Square! What remains of STAPLES is at The Paris Museum in the Railway Park. The cabinets that once held find Bone China and Waterford Crystal from Ireland, now proudly hold the SENATOR A.M. AIKEN Memorial. This Showcase and the STAPLES JEWELERS First Electric Signage in Lamar County & other Family Memorial greet you as you enter the main doors.
Sandra’s Grandparents, Arretta Pledger-Shannon and William Franklin Shannon, (her mother’s parents) were followers of The Methodist, John Wesley, who also wrote The Methodist Hymnal. So, it was no wonder Sandra was most proud of her American & Foreign Heritages; and coming from English peerage where she was related to Sir Winston Churchill’s wife; and both Irish & Scottish Royalty (on both sides)Ancestors, and also being of Cherokee-American Indian decent on her Mothers side. Her Birth-rights were spoken of often, and Sandra impressed that Pride in her daughters. Having Family live in America Before ‘“he American Revolution”; also finds ancestry in “The DAR!”
Preserving The Memories of the Families who fought for the “Republic of Texas at The Alamo”. Sandra loved, and taught Texas History. Also, family members were a part of the ‘Old West Riding Society’ a group of tradesmen, craftsmen, and manufacturers who came together to share ideas and improve their businesses. The Holroids, (Mrs. W.W.Staples forefathers) were Sheep farmers who created a better way to also sheer them, card their wool, spinning it to yarn, then weaving the yarn into fabric to make their clothes, bedding, etc.
It was Sandra’s Grandfather, W.W. Staples, a Jeweler/Watch-maker, who was also the Original Conductor of The Paris Symphony Orchestra, and in the Spring, they played Symphonies in J.J. Culbertson’s Park! It was the beginning of the Paris Summer Symphony Series. It was Floyd Weger who later took over as the PHS Musical Director, and Conducted the Summer Symphony Series. Later, children became The ‘Paris Blue Blazes Band.”
Sandra was the PHS Drum Major, leading the band onto the field at halftime; she was also the Football Sweetheart. She learned her original Journalism basics and techniques from the late Martha Hankins, a PHS History Teacher. Sandra learned a lot from Miss Hankins! And she served as Editor of “The Owl,” the PHS Yearbook. ((Jerian and Leslie also learned under Miss Hankins on ‘The Owl Staff’.))
Sandra spent several years as the Coordinator of Campus Housing for Paris Jr. College. She also married and divorced Jim Christian. He too, proceeded her in death.
Sandra adored the fragrances of Gardenias, and Magnolias, and Lemon Bundt Cake, Godiva Chocolates, and Krispy Kream Donut’s! She loved her former Class Mates, and her fellow Teachers & Associates. “She never met s stranger.” She also enjoyed Scrapbooking, Stamping, making her own Greeting cards, and her beautiful self-taught art of Calligraphy! She loved all kinds of Music, especially Christmas and Christian Music. She sang on the “Louisiana Hay Ride” with husband Jerry, for years, singing Country and Western music!
Family and Friends, of Sandra Staples Christian will Celebrate The Beautiful, Full Life she led, on Sunday, October 9th, at First United Methodist Church, Paris (following regular morning Services and luncheon provided by the members of Sandra’s Sunday School Class) The Family will receive friends of Sandra in the Sanctuary, at 1:30 p.m. The Celebration of Life Service will begin at 2 p.m.(Cake and coffee will be offered by her Grandchildren & Great-Grandchildren, following the Celebration in Fellowship Hall. There will be no Interment.)
** Sandra’s favorite Bible Verse Matthew 7:7-87 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye. shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh. findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Amen.