Two Paris Paramedics awarded for saving local patient

September 29, 2022

Paris EMS

Photo – L to R, Roger Barnes, Russell Thrasher and Lauren Dollins

Paris Paramedics Roger Barnes and Lauren Dollins were awarded the Paris EMS “Cardiac Arrest Save” Challenge Coin for the successful resuscitation of a patient who went into cardiac arrest on Sept 13, 2022.

Due to the rapid response of bystanders, PSAP Dispatcher Destiny Perkins, Firefighters Jay Daughtrey, Trevor Norwood, Kyler Bramhall and Ryan Poole and the Paramedic Crew, the patient who was found pulseless and not breathing was successfully resuscitated with defibrillation, medications and intubation, taken to Paris Regional Medical Center Emergency Department and ICU, then walked out of the hospital three days later with no side effects.

“The 3″ Cardiac Arrest Save Coin is only awarded to EMS Paramedic Crews who successfully resuscitate a clinically dead patient so effectively that the patient can return to normal life with no deficiencies. It’s an honor to be part of the Emergency Medical System that everyone in Lamar County is a part of,” said Russel Thrasher, EMS Chief. 

Source & Image – Paris EMS

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