Today is National Voter Registration Day
File / Bannersnack
Every year, millions of voters register to vote so that they can do their civic duty and vote for people who they wish to represent them. Today, September 20th is National Voter Registration Day. As many as 1 in 4 eligible adults are not registered to vote according to census data from 2020. Many Americans can’t vote every year simply because they forgot to register, so it is important to remember to register to vote before October 11.
National Voter Registration Day has been endorsed by the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS). It is further supported by the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED). Every year, thousands of partners – businesses, nonprofits, universities, election offices, and more – help make the holiday a success.
National Voter Registration Day was first started in 2012 and it is held annually on the fourth Tuesday of September. The day is meant to celebrate and help practice democracy, with 4.7 million voters registering to vote on the holiday to date.