Qualifying full-time PJC students to get free laptops this fall || Sponsored by Quality Care ER


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Paris Junior College will be giving laptops to qualifying full-time students in the fall semester.
“We want to encourage students to be full-time so they can get their degrees as quickly as possible,” said Dr. Pam Anglin, PJC President, “and work to ensure those students taking a full load of classes have the resources they need to succeed.”
To qualify, students must register for a minimum of 12 semester credit hours, of which nine of those hours must be in face-to-face classes, whether in Fall 1 or 2 eight-week terms or the Fall 16-week semester. The offer is not available to dual credit/concurrent students.
Students are encouraged but not required to apply for financial aid by completing the FAFSA at www.fafsa.gov. Once students have registered for fall classes, paid their tuition in full or set up a payment plan, their names will be added to the list of those receiving laptops. It will be first-come, first-serve for those meeting the criteria.
During the first week of the fall semester, vouchers will be distributed allowing students to get their laptops from the College Bookstore. Should a student drop their classes, they must return the laptop to PJC.
For more information, contact Sheila Reece, Vice President of Student Access and Success, at 903-782-0211.

|| Sponsored by Quality Care ER

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