Summer II classes at PJC offer many options to students || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
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Current and future college students will benefit by taking a five-week class from Paris Junior College in the Summer II term that starts Tuesday, July 12, 2022.
Graduating seniors from area high schools who have yet to apply to PJC may use the scholarship covering tuition to a Summer II class.
Any student starting at PJC or a university in the fall will find something to fit their degree plan. The classes are designed for transfer to public universities in Texas, helping students reach their education goals more quickly. Many in-person classes are available for those learn more easily that way, and online classes for students who have come to prefer that mode of learning.
Paris in-person classes include biology, anatomy & physiology, composition II, federal or Texas government, U.S. history I or II, theater appreciation, intermediate keyboarding, microeconomics, maintenance of wellness, and math classes at all levels.
In-person classes in Greenville cover art appreciation, business computer applications, biology, anatomy & physiology, introduction to computing, microeconomics, composition II, federal or Texas government, U.S. history I or II, lifespan growth and development, introduction to sociology, and math classes at all levels.
Sulphur Springs in-person classes include biology, anatomy & physiology, composition II, federal or Texas government, U.S. history I or II, music or theater appreciation, microeconomics, lifespan growth and development, and several math classes.
Online courses cover basic animal science, business computer applications, nutrition & diet therapy, biology, anatomy & physiology I or II, microbiology, introduction to mass communication or computing, police systems & practices, music, art or theater appreciation, macroeconomics, composition I or II, British or world literature, physical geology, federal or Texas government, U.S. history I or II, health data & content and structure, world civilizations I, concepts of physical fitness, drug use and abuse, care & prevention of athletic injuries, college physics II, solar system, introduction to PC operating systems, general psychology, lifespan growth & development, sociology, beginning or intermediate Spanish II, public speaking, college algebra, calculus for business & social sciences, and statistical methods.
Students who have not yet applied may go to or contact, 903-782-0425 in Paris, 903-454-9333 in Greenville, or 903-885-1232 in Sulphur Springs. Scholarship information is available at The College will be closed on Monday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day.
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