Prairiland FFA holds 50th Annual Prairiland FFA Livestock Show and Fundraiser || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
Photo: Submitted
The 50th Annual Prairiland FFA Livestock Show and Fundraiser proved to be a success once again this year. Last year there were 14 responses to be buckle sponsors and this year there were approximately 40 respond back willing to help. They not only covered the belt buckles for the livestock show, but they were also able to have the Top 10 FFA Member buckles covered as well as the BBQ meal and showmanship prizes.
Prairiland FFA appreciates all of the support from their sponsors, volunteers, and those who donated items that help make this event happen every year. They had many items donated from individuals and businesses in the community and projects built by students to sell in the auction. This fundraiser is what provides Prairiland FFA with the monetary support to be able to be competitive and self-sufficient throughout the year in all the activities the students participate from local all the way to state. These activities include leadership camps, conventions, competitions, and monthly FFA meetings just to name a few. In paying for expenses earned through this fundraiser, students and parents can worry less about the costs for attending competitive events and focus more on developing premier leadership skills, personal growth, and career success through hard work and career ready practices in agricultural education. They live in a great community and appreciate the continued support year after year to help grow their students into successful young adults that will be prepared for the real world.
They currently have 211 FFA members in their high school agricultural education program. 27 students competed in Leadership Development Event contests in the fall. 9 of the 11 teams advanced to area and 2 of those advanced to state. In Career Development events, there are 26 students on 7 teams. The Land, Forage, and Homesite teams already competed at their area contests and advanced to state. Floriculture, Nursery Landscape and Vet Science all compete at area Tues, April 12 to see if they advance. We will have 42 students exhibiting livestock and 5 students exhibiting shop projects April 12-14 at the Lamar County Junior Livestock Show. Attached is a picture taken at the beginning of the auction.