Paris water tests negative for Coliform bacteria
Photo: Submitted
On Wednesday, April 6, 2022, at approximately 3:30 AM, the City of Paris experienced a 20-inch water line break on 3rd NE, between Center and Clement Streets, resulting in the elevated storage tank on the east side of town being emptied. Some locations, primarily northeast Paris, briefly experienced low pressure or no water at all. City staff were able to isolate the area of the water line break, allowing the storage tank to be refilled, and return to service with normal water pressure.
Per regulations of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), a Boil Water Notice was neither required nor issued. In accordance with TCEQ rules, City staff adequately flushed lines in the affected area, tested disinfectant levels (chlorine residual), and collected bacteriological samples for laboratory testing. Chlorine residual results were all above the minimum level required by TCEQ, and all bacteriological samples tested negative for Coliform bacteria.
Should you experience discolored water, low water pressure, or no water, please contact Public Works at 903-784-9289.