Chisum student at high school found with loaded handgun and ammunition at school
File / eExtra News
A freshman high school student at Chisum was found Wednesday morning with a loaded handgun and more ammunition at school. The following is a statement from the school district:
“A freshman boy was found in possession of a loaded handgun and ammunition at Chisum High School today shortly before noon. No threats were made and no one was injured. The handgun and ammunition were promptly recovered by officials. The CHS student was arrested and taken into custody by Chisum ISD Police Chief Vance Boehlar and transferred to a detention center. Please feel free to contact Vance Boehlar or Tommy Chalaire with any questions or concerns at 903-737-2830 or 903-737-2800.
Thank you to all administrators and Vance Boehlar for acting swiftly and promptly while keeping our students safe.”
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