NLISD Destination Imagination teams excel || Sponsored by Quality Care ER
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On Saturday, February 26, North Lamar ISD’s third, fourth, and fifth grade Gifted and Talented students attended the Destination Imagination regional tournament at Mesquite Poteet High School.
Destination Imagination is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring students to grow as leaders, innovators, and creative problem solvers. Teams are given STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) challenges, each one presented with a story that the team created and must perform. The challenges are student-led; sponsors are not allowed to help create the students’ projects. Along with the prepared challenge, each team was also given an instant challenge to solve at the contest. The purpose of the instant challenge is to promote teamwork and collaboration.
Parker Elementary and Bailey Elementary fourth grade GT teams competed in the Daring Escape Technical Challenge. The Parker team, composed of Alazar Nava, Adam Joudeh, and Hannah Adams, placed first, and the Bailey team, Legend Woodard, Evelyn Walker, Kallen Craig, Marion Spencer, Gabbi Osburn, and Karma Dicken, placed second. The Parker team also had the highest score in the instant challenge.
Parker GT teacher Britany Creamer said, “This was our first time to compete in this challenge. We really didn’t know what to expect, but we never expected to win. That is for sure.”
The Bailey Elementary fifth grade team, Callen Sheridan, Vivan Foreman, Addi Fortenberry, and Rayleigh Allmon, competed in the For the Future Service Challenge. This team placed first in the service challenge and also received the highest score in the instant challenge competition.
Christi Coe, Bailey team Mmanager and GT teacher said, “Watching my students working on these challenges has been so rewarding. They are learning life lessons about teamwork, collaboration, taking risks, and learning from their mistakes. I felt that no matter how far we went in the competition, it would have been a great experience. My students had worked hard, and I was super proud of them going into regionals, but first and second place?? We were shocked at first, but now, we are headed to state to do our best.”
Both first-place teams advance to the state competition in Arlington on March 26.
Also participating in the Destination Imagination competition were Everett Elementary’s third grade GT students Wyatt Blanton, Easton Reams, Jeetzel Cervantes, and Adrian Patino. They were sponsored by GT teacher Lara Fendley.
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