North Lamar Superintendent Kelli Stewart releases statement about in-person learning

January 14, 2022
North Lamar isd

Photo: File / eExtra News

North Lamar Superintendent Kelli Stewart released the following statement:

“School districts across the state are facing issues of teacher shortages due to COVID.  This has presented complex challenges for our staff as well. However, North Lamar’s administration, faculty and staff are working hard together to ensure that our students continue to receive the quality, in-person education that makes us so proud to be part of the Panther family.  Staff from the administration building, principals, assistant principals, and secretaries are assisting in classrooms where needed and some staff members are moving from campus to campus to help where staff absences are the greatest. We monitor attendance daily and continue to post the numbers of COVID positive cases on the North Lamar website.

We remain dedicated to keeping our students and staff safe by considering CDC and TEA recommendations on cleaning and other protocols. All classrooms are equipped with disinfectant and cleaning cloths, hand sanitizer is available throughout all our buildings, all classrooms and other common areas are sprayed regularly with disinfectant, and we continue to encourage safe practices such as hand-washing and social distancing.  Please continue to monitor our website and social media platforms for any changes to COVID protocols.
With the Omicron variant surging in our community, North Lamar will offer shot clinics for our staff and students. Clinics will be held on January 25, 2022, at 10:00 AM at North Lamar High School and at 1:00 PM at Stone Middle School.  Parent permission will be required for a student to receive the vaccine; permission forms will be posted on the North Lamar website soon.

We have been through this before and know how challenging logistically and emotionally this has been for our staff, students, and community.  We are committed to keeping our doors open for our students as long as we have enough staff to cover our classes.  Our goal remains having as few interruptions as possible for our students and their families.  We thank you for your patience and support during this difficult time.”

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